Browsing byAuthorKim, Yong-Su

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Showing results 66 to 68 of 68

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-03-01User-independent optical path length compensation scheme with sub-nanosecond timing resolution for a 1 x N quantum key distribution network systemPark, Byung Kwon; Woo, Min Ki; Kim, Yong-Su; Cho, Young-Wook; Moon, Sung; Han, Sang-Wook
2022-03Variational estimation of capacity bounds for quantum channelsRehman, Junaid ur; Hong, Seongjin; Kim, Yong-Su; Shin, Hyundong
2019-05Verifying hidden quantum steering via local filtering operationsKim, Yong-Su; Pramanik, Tanumoy; Moon, Sung; Han, Sang-Wook; Lee, Sang-Yun; Cho, Young-Wook