1989-01 | Catecholamine synthesizing enzymes in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats | 서유헌; 조현섭; 김헌식; 김성수; 최웅; 전양숙; 임정규; 박찬웅 |
1990-01 | Cloning and analysis of the pseudogene for human epinephrine synthesizing enzyme, phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) | 서유헌; 박일선; 김헌식; 허성오; 김성수; 전양숙; 최웅; 박찬웅 |
1989-01 | In vitro effects of aluminum on tryptophan hydroxylase, monoamine oxidase and [3H]-serotonin binding in the rat brain | 서유헌; 조철구; 김성수; 김헌식; 송동근; 우종인; 박찬웅 |
1996-01 | Induction of E. coli oh8Gua endonuclease by oxidative stress : its significance in aerobic life | 김헌식; 박양원; Hiroshi Kasai; Susumu Nishimura; 박찬웅; 최경희; 정명희 |
1989-01 | Isolation of cDNA clone for protein carboxymethyltransferase (PCM) | 서유헌; 최웅; 김헌식; 김상; 박찬웅 |
- | Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of cDNA for human epinephrine synthesizing enzyme(PNMT) and PNMT mRNA mapping in brain | 서유헌; 전양숙; 김성수; 김헌식; PARK CHAN WOONG |
1988-01 | Molecular cloning of human genomic DNA for epinephrine synthesizing enzyme, phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase | 서유헌; 허성오; 전양숙; 김헌식; 임정규; 박찬웅 |
1990-01 | Molecular cloning of rat genomic DNA for epinephrine synthesizing enzyme, phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase | 서유헌; 김헌식; 김성수; 최웅; 박찬웅 |