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Showing results 1 to 30 of 35

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986-01A pharmacokinetic study on oral pyrazinamide in normal subjects and patients with impaired renal function박찬웅; JS Lee; 신상구; DJ Kim; 이선희; S Kim; YC Han
1986-01A study on serum dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity and thermostability in a randomly selected population of adults송동근; 서유헌; 우종인; 신상구; 박찬웅
1985-01Age-related changes in ouabain pharmacokinetics신상구; 박찬웅; 이광수
1991-09Assessment of the relationship between plasma nortriptyline concentration and inhibition of salivation: Single-dose study장인진; 신재국; 신상구; JJ Kim; 우종인; YS Lee; 박찬웅
1989-01Bayesian feedback method for optimum phenytoin dosing신재국; 이선희; 신상구; 박찬웅; 노재규; 이광우; 명호진; 김진규
1993-01Bioequivalence of generic nortriptyline tablet신재국; 차인준; 장인진; 정원석; 김용식; 박찬웅; 신상구
1994-01Clinical pharmacokinetics of prednisolone and prednisone신재국; 윤영란; 차인준; 이경훈; 장인진; 신상구; 박찬웅; 임정규
1990-01Comparative study of captopril tablets on the bioavailability and the time course of plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition장인진; 이중복; 엄재호; 신재국; 신상구; 박찬웅; 한진석; 김성권; 이정상
1990-01Effect of cimetidine on theophylline disposition and metabolic pathways장인진; 이선희; 신재국; 신상구; 박찬웅
1984-01Effect of propranolol on the Ca++-regulation of cardiac mitochondria최수승; 서경필; 신상구; 김명석; 박찬웅; 이광수
1979-01Effects of vibramycin precon PT-122M in surgical fields박찬웅; 임정규; 신상구; 장대수; 박정수
1995-01Evaluation of pharmacokinetics and skin irritation of transdermal piroxicam patch(trastR)김형기; 임동석; 장인진; 유재학; 은희철; 손동렬; 박찬웅; 신상구
1987-12Flex-fit: a flexible bayesian forecasting program for dosage optimization in clinical pharmacokinetics박찬웅; 신상구
1990-01Kinetics of isoniazid transfer into cerebrospinal fluid in patients with tuberculous meningitis신상구; 노재규; 이남수; 신재국; 장인진; 박찬웅; 명호진
1991-01Metoprolol oxidation polymorphism in a Korean population : comparison with native Japanese and Chinese populations손동렬; 신상구; 박찬웅; Meizo Kusaka; Kan Chiba; Takashi Ishizaki
1987-12Pharmacokinetic approach for the optimum administration of sodium valproate : maintenance dose prediction of sodium valproate based on one point method홍승봉; 이광우; 노재규; 이상복; 명호진; 신상구; 박찬웅; 김진규
1985-01Pharmacokinetic approaches for the optimum phenytoin administration명호진; 박찬웅; 신상구; 이광우
1984-01Pharmacokinetic comparison of 3 different gentamicin formulations최석구; 신상구; 박찬웅
1984-01Pharmacokinetic comparison of oral bacampicillin and ampicillin임정규; 박찬웅; 신상구; 김용식
1987-01Pharmacokinetic study of pyrazinamide related to the mechanism of the renal excretion최은상; 신상구; 이선희; 최철희; 김용식; 임정규; 박찬웅
1995-01Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis of metoprolol in dogs오동진; 장인진; 이경훈; 신재국; 임동석; 김형기; 신상구; 박찬웅
1990-01Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intravenous diltiazem in dogs박찬웅; 신상구; 신재국; 장인진; 한선화; 정명희; 차인준
1990-01Pharmacokinetics of amitriptyline demethylation : a crossover study with single doses of amitriptyline and nortriptyline장인진; 신재국; 신상구; 박찬웅; 김재진; 우종인; 차인준
1986-06Pharmacokinetics of oral pyrazinamide in normal subjects박찬웅; 신상구; 이선희; 한용철; 이정상; 김성권; 김대중
1989-01Pharmacokinetics of procainamide and N-acetylprocainamide장인진; 신재국; 신상구; 박찬웅; 임정규
1980-01Pharmacological studies of cefoperazone (T-1551)임정규; 홍사악; 박찬웅; 김명석; 서유헌; 신상구; 김용식; 김혜원; 이정수; 장기철; 이상국; 장우현; 김익상; 김낙두
1992-09Population pharmacokinetics and bayesian feedback method for nortriptyline dosage optimisation신상구; 우종인; 장인진; 박찬웅; Kim Jae Jin; 홍진표; 이경헌
1996-01Quantitative autoradiography of beta-1 and beta-2 adrenergic receptor and cellular localization of mRNA for beta-1 adrenergic receptor in rat brain.박혜영; 박경한; 김용식; 신상구; 정명희; 박찬웅
1975-01Studies of the actions of Aconiti tuber butanol fraction on the mechanical and electrical properties of isolated rabbit atrium홍사악; 박찬웅; 김명석; 신상구
1980-12Studies on the cardiotonic effect of aconiti tuber홍사악; 박찬웅; 김명석; 신상구; 윤효인