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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-An evaluation of visual reality in virtual environment서형준; 김현정; Ko Hee Dong; 최윤철
-Comparing VR and video in military training서형준; 최윤철; Ko Hee Dong
-Design and implementation of SWSC using VRMLLAEHYUN KIM; Ko Hee Dong; KIM HYUN SUK; 최윤철
-Design and implementation of the user interface for 3D sound authoring tools김승신; 유석종; 최윤철; Ko Hee Dong
1998-11Design and implementation of the user interface for 3D sound authoring tools in a virtual reality environment김승신; 유석종; 최윤철; 고희동
-Shared VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) browser for collaborative assembly designLAEHYUN KIM; Ko Hee Dong; KIM HYUN SUK; 최윤철