Browsing byAuthorKang, Dong-Joong

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009-04-01A detection cell using multiple points of a rotating triangle to find local planar regions from stereo depth dataKang, Dong-Joong; Lim, Sung-Jo; Ha, Jong-Eun; Jeong, Mun-Ho
2006-09A method for camera pose estimation from object of a known shapeKang, Dong-Joong; Ha, Jong-Eun; Jeong, Mun-Ho
2006-01Attentive person selection for human-robot interactionUwamahoro Diane; Jeong, Mun-Ho; You, Bum-Jae; Ha, Jong-Eun; Kang, Dong-Joong
2008-10Detection of calibration patterns for camera calibration with irregular lighting and complicated backgroundsKang, Dong-Joong; Ha, Jong-Eun; Jeong, Mun-Ho
2006-09Robust segmentation of characters marked on surfaceHa, Jong-Eun; Kang, Dong-Joong; Jeong, Mun-Ho; Lee, Wang-Heon