Browsing byAuthorKim Jong Soo

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Showing results 1 to 25 of 25

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-A numerical study on nonlinear acoustic pressure response of oxygen droplet flames in hydrogen environment김홍집; SOHN CHAE HOON; 정석호; Kim Jong Soo
-A numerical study on the extinction of hydrogen-oxygen diffusion flames at high pressureSOHN CHAE HOON; 정석호; 이수룡; Kim Jong Soo
-Air quality study for the Yochon industrial estateMoon Kil Choo (K.C); KIM YONG PYO; Shim Shang Gyoo; Ghim Young Sung; Kim Jong Soo; KIM JIN YOUNG
-Analysis on the premixed-flame propagation in media with periodic flame-speed variation by the level-set equation.이수룡; Kim Jong Soo
-Branched-chain ignition in strained mixing layerJ D Mellado; A L Sanchez; Kim Jong Soo; A Linan
-Characteristics of the wind field and toxic dispersion in the yochon areaGhim Young Sung; 오현선; Kim Jong Soo
-Development of filter system for cabin air with activated carbonLEE SEUNG BOK; Kim Jong Soo; Na Kwangsam; JIN HYOUN CHER; Ghim Young Sung
-Difussion-flame instability in the premixed-flame regimeKim Jong Soo; 이수룡
-Dynamics of freely-propagation premixed flame edgesHong. G. Im; Kim Jong Soo
-Extinction of a diffusion flame via oscillatory instabilityKim Jong Soo
-Extinction of diffusion flames with nonunity Lewis numbersKim Jong Soo
-Extinction of interacting premixed flames: theory and experimental comparisons.Kim Jong Soo; S. H. Chung; C. K. Law
-High-temperature radical growth in the hydrogen-oxygen counterflow mixing layerD. J. Mellado; A. L. Sanchez; Kim Jong Soo; H. G. Im
-Investigation of air quality in the vicinity of the Yochon industrial estateShim Shang Gyoo; KIM YONG PYO; Moon Kil Choo (K.C); Ghim Young Sung; Kim Jong Soo; 선우영; 전의찬; 김조천; 서성규; 김상채
-Korea environmental information network system (KEINS) for environmental technology transferMoon Kil Choo (K.C); Ghim Young Sung; Kim Jong Soo
-Modelling of turbulent flame lift off by the flame-edge theory.Kim Jong Soo
-Nonlinear evolution of diffusion flame oscillations triggered by radiative heat lossKim Jong Soo; SOHN CHAE HOON; K. Maruta
-Nonlinear evolution of flame stripes by diffusional-thermal instability in strained diffusion flames이수룡; Kim Jong Soo
-On the bifurcation structure of flame stripes formed in strained diffusion flames by diffusional-thermal instability이수룡; Kim Jong Soo
-Premixed flame propagation with periodic flame speed variationKim Jong Soo; 이수룡
-Propagation of premixed flames in quiescent media with periodic laminar flame speed variations이수룡; Kim Jong Soo
-Radiation-induced oscillatory instability in diffusion flamesHAN YOUNG TAEK; SOHN CHAE HOON; Kim Jong Soo
-Random creation and destruction of the flame holes in turbulent diffusion flames.Kim Jong Soo
-Relationship between the smallest scale of flame wrinkles and turbulence characteristics of high-pressure, high-temperature turbulent premixed flames.H. Kobayashi; T. Kawahata; K. Seyama; T. Fujimari; Kim Jong Soo
-Structural transition of a nonpremixed flame to a chemistry controlled premixed flame regime.Kim Jong Soo; 정석호