Browsing byAuthorMitchell, Jennifer W.

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-01-07Comparing Label-Free Quantitative Peptidomics Approaches to Characterize Diurnal Variation of Peptides in the Rat Suprachiasmatic NucleusSouthey, Bruce R.; Lee, Ji Eun; Zamdborg, Leonid; Atkins, Norman, Jr.; Mitchell, Jennifer W.; Li, Mingxi; Gillette, Martha U.; Kelleher, Neil L.; Sweedler, Jonathan V.
2013-02Quantitative Peptidomics for Discovery of Circadian-Related Peptides from the Rat Suprachiasmatic NucleusLee, Ji Eun; Zamdborg, Leonid; Southey, Bruce R.; Atkins, Norman, Jr.; Mitchell, Jennifer W.; Li, Mingxi; Gillette, Martha U.; Kelleher, Neil L.; Sweedler, Jonathan V.