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Showing results 1 to 30 of 158

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-04-07A femtosecond pulse fiber laser at 1935 nm using a bulk-structured Bi2Te3 topological insulatorJung, Minwan; Lee, Junsu; Koo, Joonhoi; Park, Jaehyun; Song, Yong-Won; Lee, Kwanil; Lee, Sangbae; Lee, Ju Han
-A femtosecond thulium holmium co-doped fiber laser based on graphene oxide evanescent filed interactionMinwan Jung; J.Koo; Park, jaehyun; Song, Yong-Won; Lee Kwan Il; Lee, Sang Bae; J. H. Lee
2012-11A Mode-Locked 1.91 mu m Fiber Laser Based on Interaction between Graphene Oxide and Evanescent FieldJung, Minwan; Koo, Joonhoi; Debnath, Pulak; Song, Yong-Won; Lee, Ju Han
-A polarization beam splitter using reduced graphene oxide-embedded fiber couplerJoonhoi Koo; Park, jaehyun; Song, Yong-Won; Ju Han Lee
-A Soft Contact-Lens with Integrated Microfluidic System for Controlled Collection of Basal TearOckchul Kim; Jeong Jinwoo; Song, Yong-Won; KIM, JINSEOK
2017-02-24Air-stable few-layer black phosphorus phototransistor for near-infrared detectionNa, Junhong; Park, Kichul; Kim, Jin Tae; Choi, Won Kook; Song, Yong-Won
2024-02Asymmetric Laser Field Interaction with MXene Coated on the Side Surface of Optical Fibers for Ultrafast Nonlinear SwitchesSIAM, MD. UDDIN; Debnath, Pulak C.; Kim, Hyerim; Moon, Hyowon; Koo, Chong Min; Song, Yong-Won
2020-06Atomic Carbon Spraying: Direct Growth of Graphene on Customized 3D Surfaces of Ultrafast Optical DevicesUddin, Siam; Song, Yong-Won
2015-12Black phosphorus saturable absorber for ultrafast mode-locked pulse laser via evanescent field interactionPark, Kichul; Lee, Junsu; Lee, Young Tack; Choi, Won-Kook; Lee, Ju Han; Song, Yong-Won
2013Calibration method for 3-dimensional tip position tracking sensorMoon, Hyowon; Song, Yong-Won; Kang, Sungchul; Kim, Jinseok
-Carbon nanotube-based passive Q-switching of a 1.89 μm thulium doped fiber laserMinwan Jung; Joonhoi Koo; Pulak Chandra Debnath; Song, Yong-Won; Ju Han Lee
-Carbon nanotube-dispersed sol-gel glass for high-speed fiber pulse lasersWON SUK HAN; Bae mi kyung; Song, Yong-Won
2009-10-15Carbon nanotube-doped polymer optical fiberUchida, Sho; Martinez, Amos; Song, Yong-Won; Ishigure, Takaaki; Yamashita, Shinji
-Carbon Nanotube-doped Polymer Optical Fiber: Fabrication and Application to Passively Mode-Locked LaserS. Uchida; A. Martinez; Song, Yong-Won; T. Ishigure; S. Yamashita
2010-10-01Carbon nanotube-incorporated sol-gel glass for high-speed modulation of intracavity absorption of fiber lasersSong, Yong-Won; Fong, Kok Hann; Set, Sze Y.; Kikuchi, Kazuro; Yamashita, Shinji
-Carbon nanotube-incorporated Sol-Gel glass for the application of passive laser pulsationSong, Yong-Won; K. H. Fong; S. Yamashita; Lee Sang Yeol
2013-10Catalyst-free growth of readily detachable nanographene on aluminaPark, Jaehyun; Kim, Kyung Hoon; Kim, Joonsung; Lee, Cheol Jin; Shim, Joon Hyung; Song, Yong-Won; Ha, Jeong Sook
2015-09-11Centro-Apical Self-Organization of Organic Semiconductors in a Line-Printed Organic Semiconductor: Polymer Blend for One-Step Printing Fabrication of Organic Field-Effect TransistorsLee, Su Jin; Kim, Yong-Jae; Yeo, So Young; Lee, Eunji; Lim, Ho Sun; Kim, Min; Song, Yong-Won; Cho, Jinhan; Lim, Jung Ah
2024-04Chromatic dispersion-tolerant mode-locking of directly synthesized graphene for the control of laser pulse energyDidychenko, Denys; Oleksiy, Kovalchuk; Uddin, Siam; See, Sungjae; Song, Yong-Won
-Compact heterodyne interferometer for bio-chemical readout sensor윤승현; Choi, Hee-Dok; 박영규; Song, Yong-Won; Hong, Jae-Min; 조규만
-Comparison of electrical properties between ZnO and Ga-doped ZnO nanoclusters for gas sensor applicationKim Inho; Kim Kyoung-Won; Song, Yong-Won; Lee Kie Won; Lee Sang Yeol
-Controlled growth of multilayered graphene at catalyst-substrate interface without intentional carbon feedingKim Won-Jun; Kang Dong Seok; Jung Ah Lim; Song, Yong-Won
2008-10-15Controlled synthesis of zigzagged and straight Ga-doped ZnO nanowires in hot-walled pulsed laser depositionSong, Yong-Won; Lee, Sanggyu; Lee, Sang Yeol
2013-05-22Cu Ion Ink for a Flexible Substrate and Highly Conductive Patterning by Intensive Pulsed Light SinteringWang, Byung-Yong; Yoo, Tae-Hee; Song, Yong-Won; Lim, Dae-Soon; Oh, Young-Jei
2011-01-10Deformation-immunized optical deposition of graphene for ultrafast pulsed lasersKim, Hyungseok; Cho, Junhyun; Jang, Sung-Yeon; Song, Yong-Won
2016-02-24Direct Electron Transfer of Enzymes in a Biologically Assembled Conductive Nanomesh Enzyme PlatformLee, Seung-Woo; Lee, Ki-Young; Song, Yong-Won; Choi, Won Kook; Chang, Joonyeon; Yi, Hyunjung
2012-07Direct Growth and Patterning of Multilayer Graphene onto a Targeted Substrate without an External Carbon SourceKang, Dongseok; Kim, Won-Jun; Lim, Jung Ah; Song, Yong-Won
2021-03Directly Synthesized Graphene-Based Photonics and Optoelectronics DevicesUddin, Siam; Song, Yong-Won
2012-11Efficient bilayer heterojunction polymer solar cells with bumpy donor-acceptor interface formed by facile polymer blendYang, Hee Yeon; Kang, Nam Su; Hong, Jae-Min; Song, Yong-Won; Kim, Tae Whan; Lim, Jung Ah