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Showing results 301 to 320 of 75252

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-12식용 작물 및 유효 성분을 이용한 면역과민반응에 의한 코 상태 개선 기능성 소재 개발이욱빈
2024-12수산화 칼슘 보충제의 피부세포 증식 향상을 통한 상처 치유 효과이지연; 김진우; 장판식; 김진철
2024-11-28탄닌 및 폴리카보네이트디올 이들의 혼합물을 포함하는 난연접착제 조성물정용채; 이성호; 최용석; 류수연; 김영남
2024-11-26수계 아연 이차전지용 고밀도 아연 전극, 이의 제조방법 및 이를 포함하는 수계아연전지이민아; 권민형; 유정근; 홍지현; 오시형; 김형석
2024-11-26나노 스케일 이미징을 통한 고체 산화물 연료전지의 계면 열화 메커니즘 규명최하늘; 신지수; 연창호; 이종호; 이찬우; 박진우; 윤경중; 장혜정
2024-11-26고강도 다기능 탄소나노튜브 섬유 및 그 제조방법구본철; 이동주; 김서균; 홍승기; 류성우; 정현수; 유남호; 김남동; 김대윤; 황준연
2024-11-26냉동 및 해동을 이용한 하폐수 처리방법최재우; 정경원; 최예슬; 김희곤; 김영재; 양보람
2024-11-25Textual Attention RPN for Open-Vocabulary Object DetectionChoi, Tae-Min; Yoon, Inug; Kim, Jong-Hwan; Park, Ju youn
2024-11-25Influence of grafting properties on electrokinetic flow of polyelectrolyte solutions in brush-grafted microchannelsKim, SeongHak; Chun, Myung-Suk
2024-11-23tFUS Stimulation on the Ischemic Stroke Rat Model Contralesional Motor Cortex Modulates Interhemispheric BalanceKum, Jeung eun; Seo, Younghee; Hyun, Seon Young; Park, Joon Bum; Lee, Wonhye; Kim, Hyungmin
2024-11-23Focused Ultrasound Alleviates Ventriculomegaly and Behavioral Impairment in a Hydrocephalus ModelSeo, Younghee; Kim, Taewan; Chang, Hee Jin; Oh, Eungseok; Heo, Jun Young; Kim, Hyungmin
2024-11-23Simultaneous Tracking and Balancing Control of Two-Wheeled Inverted Pendulum with Roll-joint using Dynamic Variance MPPIKim, Taehyun; Jeon, Jechan; Lim, Myo-Taeg; Lee, Yisoo; Oh. Yonghwan
2024-11-22Establishing Comprehensive Approaches for Targeted and Untargeted Metabolomics AnalysisMin, Ho phil
2024-11-22Real-time Simulation of Phased Multi-element Transducer using AILee, Kyuheon; Park, Tae Young; Min, Byeong-Kyong; Kim, Hyungmin
2024-11-22Analytical Evaluation of MCC950 Brain Penetration in a Rodent Model using LC-MS/MSPark, Hana; Yoon, Sung-Hyun; Yu, Je-Wook; Cho, Yoeseph; Lee, Hyun Jeong; Heo, Soohyun; Park, Saeyeon; Hwang, Sungmin; Moon, Jihwan; Son, Jung hyun
2024-11-22Identification of ex vivo marker for improvement in detectability of synthetic peptides in human urineHeo, Soohyun; Cho, Yoeseph; Park, Hana; Lee Hyun Jeong; Park, Saeyeon; Hwang, Sungmin; Moon, Jihwan; Jung, Hyungil; SON, Jung hyun
2024-11-22Enhanced Detection of narcotics Using Vapor-Phase Analysis from Rapid Drug Test Kits: Paving the Way for Breath-Based DiagnosticsMoon, Jihwan; Lee, Hyeon-Jeong; Park, Saeyeon; Cho, Yoeseph; Heo, Soohyun; Hwang, Sungmin; Park, Hana; Oh, Seung-Yun; Kim, Dong-Min; Heo, Jung-Seok; Jung, Hyungil; SON, Jung hyun
2024-11-22Efficient and innovative method for simultaneous detection of doping-prohibited substances in herbal medicines using LC-MS/MSLee, Hyeon-Jeong; Park, Saeyeon; Cho, Yoeseph; Park, Hana; Heo, Soohyun; Hwang, Sungmin; Moon, Jihwan; Lee, Dong-Woo; 손정현
2024-11-22Challenges in Protein Identification by LC-MS/MS and the need for Active Form-Specific FASTA filesPark, Hana; Yoon, Sung-Hyun; Yu, Je-Wook; Son, Jung hyun
2024-11-21Investigation of Strategies to Reduce Exposure to β-Carboline Alkaloids in FoodHwang, Sungmin; Cho, Yoeseph; Park, Saeyeon; Heo, Soohyun; Lee, Hyeon-Jeong; Park, Hana; Moon, Jihwan; Hyungil Jung; SON, Jung hyun