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Results 1-10 of 14 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005-09-30Toxicogenomic analysis and identification of estrogen responsive genes of di (n-ethylhexyl) phthalate in MCF-7 cellsKim, Youn-Jung; Yun, Hye-Jung; Ryu, Jae-Chun
2005-09-30Molecular mechanism of NO-induced cell death of PC12 cells by IFN gamma and TNF alphaYi, Seh Yoon; Han, Seon Kyu; Lee, Jee Yeon; Yoo, Young Sook
2005-11-25Tyrosine 740 phosphorylation of discoidin domain receptor 2 by Src stimulates intramolecular autophosphorylation and Shc signaling complex formationYang, K; Kim, JH; Kim, HJ; Park, IS; Kim, IY; Yang, BS
2005-09-27Functional roles of Ca(v)1.3(alpha(1D)) calcium channels in atria insights gained from gene-targeted null mutant miceZhang, Z; He, YX; Tuteja, D; Xu, DY; Timofeyev, V; Zhang, QA; Glatter, KA; Xu, YF; Shin, HS; Low, R; Chiamvimonvat, N
2005-11Quantitative analysis of shape-specific interactions of Rev response element with a positively charged Rev peptide by capillary electrophoresisHan, KC; Yu, JH; Yang, EG
2005-08-16Using the chorions of fertilized zebrafish eggs as a biomaterial for the attachment and differentiation of mouse stem cellsLee, JW; Na, DS; Chae, SK; Kim, C; Kang, JY; Ju, BK; Lee, H; Kim, SU; Hwang, CN; Lee, SH
2005-08-29Characterization of acetohydroxyacid synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the identification of its new inhibitor from the screening of a chemical libraryChoi, KJ; Yu, YG; Hahn, HG; Choi, JD; Yoon, MY
2005-08T-type calcium channel trigger p21(ras) signaling pathway to ERK in Ca(v)3.1-expressed HEK293 cellsChoi, JY; Park, JH; Kwon, OY; Kim, S; Chung, JH; Lim, DS; Kim, KS; Rhim, H; Han, YS
2005-03Specific interaction of mannosylated glycopolymers with macrophage cells mediated by mannose receptorPark, KH; Sung, WJ; Kim, SW; Kim, DH; Akaike, T; Chung, HM
2005-04Activation of PI3K/Akt pathway by PTEN reduction and PIK3CA mRNA amplification contributes to cisplatin resistance in an ovarian cancer cell lineLee, S; Choi, EJ; Jin, CB; Kim, DH
