경험 모드 분리법을 이용한 감쇠 진동 신호의 분석
- Other Titles
- Analysis of Damped Vibration Signal Using Empirical Mode Decomposition Method
- Authors
- 이인재; 이종민; 황요하; 허건수
- Issue Date
- 2005-02
- Publisher
- 한국소음진동공학회
- Citation
- 한국소음진동공학회논문집, v.15, no.2, pp.192 - 198
- Abstract
- Empirical mode decomposition(EMD) method has been recently proposed to analyze non-linear and non-stationary data. This method allows the decomposition of one-dimensional signals into intrinsic mode functions(IMFs) and is used to calculate a meaningful multi-component instantaneous frequency. In this paper, it is assumed that each mode of damped vibration signal could be well separated in the form of IMF by EMD. In this case, we can have a new powerful method to calculate natural frequencies and dampings from damped vibration signal which usually has multiple modes. This proposed method has been verified by both simulation and experiment. The results by EMD method whichhas used only output vibration data are almost identical to the results by FRF method which has used both input and output data, thereby proving usefulness and accuracy of the proposed method.
- Keywords
- Empirical mode decomposition (EMD, 경험 모드 분리법); Hilbert-huang Transform (HHT, 힐버트-후앙 변환); Intrinsic mode function (IMF, 내부 모드 함수); Damping (감쇠)
- 1598-2785
- https://pubs.kist.re.kr/handle/201004/136757
- Appears in Collections:
- KIST Article > 2005
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