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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025-01A wide-spectrum mid-infrared electro-optic intensity modulator employing a two-point coupled lithium niobate racetrack resonatorHwang, Hyeon; Ko, Kiyoung; Nurrahman, Mohamad Reza; Moon, Kiwon; Ju, Jung Jin; Han, Sang-Wook; Jung, Hojoong; Seo, Min-Kyo; Lee, Hansuek
2025-01Enhanced Motion Control of Magnetically Actuated Capsule Robot Using MEMA-A Mobile Electromagnetic Actuation SystemLee, Han-Sol; Ko, Yeongoh; Kim, Chang-Sei
2025-01Ultrahigh field-effect mobility of 147.5?cm2/Vs in ultrathin In2O3 transistors via passivating the surface of polycrystalline HfO2 gate dielectricsKim, Taikyu; Ryu, Seung Ho; Jeon, Jihoon; Kim, Taeseok; Baek, In-Hwan; Kim, Seong Keun
2025-01DMSO-Ti3C2Tx-Based Saturable Absorber for Long-Term Stability of Ultrafast Fiber Laser Using Etched FiberDiachenko, Radomyr; Jeong, Wookjin; Lee, Jiyoung; Yoon, Jaeeun; Oh, Taegon; Ryu, Bowon; Song, Yong-Won; Lee, Kwanil
2025-02Energy efficiency analysis of spin-orbit torque MRAM using composition dependent resistivity and spin Hall angle in Pt/W multilayer structureYoon, Ji-won; Lee, Hyun-jun; Yun, Ji-Hyeon; Lee, Si-yeol; Lim, Sang Ho; Baek, Seung-heon Chris
2025-02A Compact Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Chest Compression Device Using a Torsion-Based Series Elastic ActuatorHur, Sungmoon; Cho, Hyunbum; Kim, Joowan; Oh, Yonghwan; Park, Jaeheung
2025-02High-Speed and Enhanced Motion Control for a Wheeled-Legged Humanoid Robot Using a Two-Wheeled Inverted Pendulum With Roll JointAn, Jaewoo; Kim, Jun Young; Lim, Myo-Taeg; Oh, Yonghwan
2025-03Generative Adversarial Networks for Solving Hand-Eye Calibration Without Data CorrespondenceHong, Ilkwon; Ha, Junhyoung
2025-03Magnetic properties of van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2 nanosheets grown by flux-assisted growthChoi, Seungchul; Lee, In Hak; Khim, Yeong Gwang; Kee, Jung Yun; Rhee, Tae Gyu; Seoh, Hyo Won; Kim, Hyuk Jin; Choi, Jun Woo; Chang, Young Jun
2025-02p-Graphene/Quantum Dot/n-GaAs Mixed-Dimensional Heterostructure Junction for Ultrathin Light-Emitting-DiodesLung, Quang Nhat Dang; Chu, Rafael Jumar; Yeon, Eungbeom; Kim, Yeonhwa; Madarang, May Angelu; Choi, Won Jun; Jung, Daehwan
2025-02Advanced Silica Networks in Rubber Composites for Optimizing Energy Efficiency and Performance in Electric Vehicle TiresLim, Kiwon; Kim, Yun Ah; Ryu, Myung Shin; Jung, Jaehyun; Kim, Donghyuk; Li, Zhibo; Park, Jong Hyuk; Bang, Joona
2025-03Magnesium-Promoted Catalytic Stability of the Cu/ZnO/ZrO2/Al2O3-MgO Catalyst in CO2 Hydrogenation to MethanolKim, Seong-rye; Choi, Ye-Na; Park, Kwangho; Lee, Hong-Gyung; Lee, Kyung Rok; Park, Hongjin; Yoon, Sungho; Lee, Kwan Young; Jung, Kwang-Deog
2025-03Novel Sn-Doped NASICON-Type Na3.2Zr2Si2.2P0.8O12 Solid Electrolyte With Improved Ionic Conductivity for a Solid-State Sodium BatteryAkbar, Muhammad; Moeez, Iqra; Kim, Young Hwan; Kim, Mingony; Jeong, Jiwon; Lee, Eunbyoul; Bhatti, Ali Hussain Umar; Park, Jae-Ho; Chung, Kyung Yoon
2025-03Hierarchically Porous Poly(aryl thioether)s Through Dynamic Linker Engineering for Thiyl Radical PhotocatalysisKumar, Sunil; Kim, Doyun; Song, Youngdong; Bayarkhuu, Bolormaa; Park, Jueun; Hoh, Donghee; Yavuz, Cafer T.; Byun, Jeehye
2025-03Comparative Analysis of the Total Proteome in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: Identification of Potential BiomarkersAtes, Eda; Ong, Hien Thi My; Yu, Seung-Min; Kim, Ji-Hoon; Kang, Min-Jung
2025-03Miniature Li+ solvation by symmetric molecular design for practical and safe Li-metal batteriesJang, Jinha; Wang, Chongzhen; Kang, Gumin; Han, Cheolhee; Han, Jaekyeong; Shin, Jae-Sun; Ko, Sunghyun; Kim, Gihwan; Baek, Jaewon; Kim, Hee-Tak; Lee, Hochun; Park, Chan Beum; Seo, Dong-Hwa; Li, Yuzhang; Kang, Jiheong
2025-03The role of xylene as a nematicide formulation and its synergistic effects with abamectin in the management of pine wood nematodesKang, Min-Kyoung; Kim, Hyeon-Ji; Kim, Jong-Hoon
2025-04Extremely-low electrical-hysteresis hydrogels for multifunctional wearable sensors and osmotic power generatorsEntifar, Siti Aisyah Nurmaulia; Entifar, Nisa Aqilla Ellenahaya; Wibowo, Anky Fitrian; Kim, Jung Ha; Shara, Yulia; Saputro, Jonatan Martino Windi; Kim, Han-Gyeol; Kim, Jong-Oh; Xie, Guohua; Oh, Junghwan; Kim, Soyeon; Lim, Dong Chan; Moon, Myoung-Woon; Kim, Min-Seok; Kim, Yong Hyun
2025-07Protein to biomaterials: Unraveling the antiviral and proangiogenic activities of Ac-Tβ1-17 peptide, a thymosin β4 metabolite, and its implications in peptide-scaffold preparationRahaman, Khandoker Asiqur; Mukim, Md Sofequl Islam; Hasan, Md Lemon; Kim, Hyeok; Pan, Cheol-Ho; Kwon, Oh-Seung; Song, Dae-Geun; Han, Hyung-Seop
2025-02Enhancing the crystallinity and dielectric performance of ALD-grown SrTiO3 films by introducing a sub-nm-thick Pt layerChung, Hong Keun; Jeon, Jihoon; Ye, Seungwan; Kim, Sung-Chul; Won, Sung Ok; Park, Tae Joo; Kim, Seong Keun