1997-03 | Self-aligned silicon tips coated with diamondlike carbon | Lee, S; Lee, S; Lee, S; Jeon, D; Lee, KR |
1997-03 | Studies on new catechol containing cephalosporins .3. Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of cephalosporins having a pyridone moiety at the C-7 position | Choi, KI; Cha, JH; Pae, AN; Cho, YS; Koh, HY; Chang, MH; Kang, HY; Chung, BY |
1997-03 | Inhibition of gp 120-CD4 interaction by various plant extracts | Woo, ER; Yoon, SH; Kwak, JH; Kim, HJ; Park, H |
1997-03 | A study on the reactive compatibilization of a PBT/LCP blend: Catalyst effect | Lee, JY; Jang, J; Hong, SM; Hwang, SS; Seo, Y; Kim, KU |
1997-03 | InGaAs layer effect on the growth of AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wires on V-grooved InGaAs/GaAs substrates | Lee, MS; Kim, EK; Kim, SI; Hwang, SM; Kim, CK; Min, SK; Lee, JY |
1997-03 | Fabrication of V-grooved inner stripe GaAs-AlGaAs quantum-wire lasers | Kim, TG; Hwang, SM; Kim, EK; Min, SK; Jeon, JI; Leem, SJ; Jeong, J; Park, JH |
1997-03 | Aerosol composition at Cheju Island, Korea | Carmichael, GR; Hong, MS; Ueda, H; Chen, LL; Murano, K; Park, JK; Lee, HG; Kim, Y; Kang, C; Shim, S |
1997-03 | Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibria for the systems 1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane plus hydrogen fluoride, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane plus hydrogen fluoride, and chlorodifluoromethane plus hydrogen fluoride | Kang, YW; Lee, YY |
1997-03 | Classification of wear debris using a neural network | Myshkin, NK; Kwon, OK; Grigoriev, AY; Ahn, HS; Kong, H |
1997-03 | Linear analysis of diffusional-thermal instability in diffusion flames with Lewis numbers close to unity | Kim, JS |
1997-03 | Synthesis and structural properties of (diamine)platinum(II) complexes of bis(alkylthio)methylenepropanedioic acid. Insight into bonding mode | Kim, KM; Lee, SS; Jung, OS; Jun, MJ; Sohn, YS |
1997-03 | A study on low-temperature bonding of glass-silicon using modified direct bonding method | 주병권; 고창기; 이윤희; 강인병; Paul White; Noel Samaan; Malcolm Haskard; 오명환 |
1997-03 | Synthesis and biological evaluation of new 2,3-fused tricyclic cephalosporin derivatives | 고훈영; 최경일; 차주환; 김명주; 조용서; 김유승; 장문호 |
1997-03 | Bi-directional energy transfer process in Er3+-Tm3+-codoped fluorozirconate glasses | 조운조; 김명욱; 김상혁; 조재철; 최상삼 |
1997-03 | Numerical analysis of electromagnetic force distribution in rotational magnetic field by FEM | 정순효; 오영주; 조영환; 심재동 |
1997-03 | Self-starting vector phase conjugate laser oscillator in inverted Nd:YAG | 김동환; D. Udaiyan; R.P.M. Green; G.J. Crofts; M.J. Damzen |
1997-03 | 전자선 리소그라피법에 의한 동일평면게이크 트랜지스터의 제작과 특성 연구 . | 김은규; 민석기; 김광무; 한철구; 정석구; 박종윤; 박종호 |
1997-03 | BCl ₃ -NH ₃계의 플라즈마 화학증착공정을 이용한 질화붕소막의 합성 | 백영준; 박범수; 은광용 |
1997-03 | 높은 위상변조 효율을 갖는 GaAsAl0.4Ga0.6As ridge 도파로 위상변조기 | 변영태; 김선호; 최상삼; 박경현; 임동건; 정영철 |
1997-03 | Fiber bragg grating sensor using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer | 이상배; 송민호; 이병호; 최상삼 |