1987-01 | The evaluation of T/E and T/LH ratios in athelete's urine by the radioimmunoassay method. | 최명자; 강혜경; 정태화; 박종세; 한문희 |
1987-01 | Electrical properties of Co-early transition metal thin film alloys | 김희중; 한석희; 천성순; 강일구 |
1987-01 | The freqeuncy dependence of the diagonal conductivity of a 2DEG in GaAs heterostructure in the quantum Hall regime. | 이정일; B. B. Goldberg; M. Heiblum; P. J. Stiles |
1987-01 | Novel transformations of carbene ligands at multinuclear metal sites : | 김훈식; Richard D. Adams; James E. Babin |
1987-01 | A study of Au-Ge/Ag/Au ohmic contact on n-type (100) GaAs epi-wafer. | 강광남; 권철순; 최인훈; 김무성; 정지채 |
1987-01 | 칼륨이 첨가된 알루미나 담지 니켈 촉매의 특성 . | 서동진; 문상흡; 임선기 |
1987-01 | Fabrication of Y1Ba2Cu3Ox superconductor by Hot-Pressing | 하정수; 한경섭; 이준근 |
1987-01 | 다마스커스 검의 신비와 금속공학 . | 금동화 |
1987-01 | 노치 - 백 자동차의 공기역학적 임계 현상에 관한 실험적 연구 | 배귀남; 박승오 |
1987-01 | Press forging of an activated sintered W-powder compact. | 최주; S. M. Jung; I. H. Moon; Y. S. Kwon |
1987-01 | Thermally stable, deep UV resist materials. | 안광덕; S. R. Turner; C. G. Willson |
1987-01 | The effect of curvature on the grain boundary migration induced by diffusional coherency strain in Mo-Ni alloy. | 백영준; 윤덕용 |
1987-01 | Synthesis and characterization of cluster complexes containing iminium ion ligands : | 김훈식; Richard D. Adams; James E. Babin |
1987-01 | A plate medel for moving feed-injection chromatography, I. Simulation results. | 하흥용; 노경호; 이원국 |
1987-01 | Study of the uniaxial deformation of rubber network chains by small angle neutron scattering. | 김정엽; Hyuk Yu; Toshiaki Kitano; Eric J. Amis; Taihyun Chang; Michael R. Landry; Jeffrey A. Wesson; Charles C. Han; Timothy P. Lodge; Charles J. Glinka |
1987-01 | Characteristics of moving feed-injection chromatography. | 하흥용; 노경호; 이원국 |
1987-01 | Composition determinatin of THM grown Hg1-xZnxTe single crystal by dEg/dT | 전형욱; 김근묵; 한석룡; 한일기; 박홍이; 정중현 |
1987-01 | Theoretical studies of solvent effects on gas phase reactions of methoxide ion with substituted ethylenes | 이익춘; 이본수; 원종옥 |
1987-01 | Halide-promoted formation and carbonylation of μ //3-nitrene ligands on Ru//3 clusters. | 한성환; Gregory L. Geoffroy; Arnold L. Rheingold |
1987-01 | 고로에 있어서 탄화규소질 내화물의 응용 . | 이준근 |