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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Synthesis and Properties of Nanocomposites Using Functionalized Graphene OxideOk-kyung Park; YOU NAM HO; Joong Hee Lee; Bon-Cheol Ku
-Detection of Retinitis Pigmentosa by Differential Interference Contrast MicroscopiesSeokhwan Kim; Oh Ju Yeong; Yu Jeong Kim; Ki Ho Park; Lee, Seok; Seong Chan Jun; KIM, JAE HUN
-A Step Length Estimation based on Motion Recognition and Adaptive Gait Cognition using as SmartphoneJung Ho Lee; Shin Beom Ju; Lee, Seok; Jinwoo Park; KIM, JAE HUN; Kim Chulki; Lee Taikjin
-Development of an Image-guided Navigation Environment for Focused Ultrasound-mediated Bilateral Non-invasive NeuromodulationKIM HYUNG MIN; Wonhye Lee; Seung-Schik Yoo
-Vision-based Navigation in Indoor Environments without using Image DatabaseHyunho Lee; KIM, JAE HUN; Kim Chulki; MINAH SEO; Lee, Seok; Hur Soo Jung; Lee Taikjin
-Nanostructure Control of Polymer Semiconductors using Intensely Pulsed White Light for Highly Efficient Production of Organic Electronic DevicesYang Hee Yeon; 박한울; Hong, Jae-Min; 김도환; Jung Ah Lim
-Pd3Au@Pt/C core-shell electroccatalysts with enhanced stability and activity for oxygen reduction reactionLee Sang-Young; Park Hee-Young; Jung Namgee; Young-Hoon Chung; Jang, Injoon; Jaeyune Ryu; Docheon Ahn; Il-Kyu Park; Yeung-Ho Park; Jang, Jong Hyun; Sung Jong Yoo
-PEMFC: Strategies to reduce membrane-electrode delamination and membrane crack formationDirk Henkensmeier; N. Nambi Krishnan; Jang, Jong Hyun; Hyoung-Juhn Kim
-Enhancement of formic acid oxidation reaction on Pd3Au/C nanocatalysts via CO-induced surface Pd enrichmentLee Sang-Young; Park Hee-Young; Jung Namgee; Young-Hoon Chung; Jang, Injoon; Jaeyune Ryu; Docheon Ahn; Il-Kyu Park; Jang, Jong Hyun; Sung Jong Yoo
-Performance Characteristics of Energy Recovery Efficiency about Pelton Turbine by Jet LocationsJOINCHAN; Park Joo Hoon; SHIN, YOU HWAN
-Preparation of Nano-Sized Pt Particles for the Proton Exchange Fuel CellYoung-Hoon Chung; Park Hee-Young; Choi, Insoo; Sung Jong Yoo; Hyoung-Juhn Kim; CHO, EUN AE; Dirk Henkensmeier; Suk Woo Nam; Jang, Jong Hyun
-Feature Extraction Method for Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to-Sit Intention Recognition using Electromyogram SingalsChung Sang-hun; LEE, JONG MIN; Hwang, Yoha; Kim, Seung-Jong; An, Jinung
-Study on the Single Cell Performances of High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFCs) using Sulfonated Polymer Membrane as Solid ElectrolytesCHO, Min Kyung; So Young Lee; Hyoung-Juhn Kim; CHO, EUN AE; Dirk Henkensmeier; Sung Jong Yoo; Han, Jonghee; Suk Woo Nam; Yung-Eun Sung; Jang, Jong Hyun
-Systematic Analysis for the Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants in Cathode Feed on the Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel CellsChoi, Insoo; Yoon Young Gon; 이창하; Han, Jonghee; Hyoung-Juhn Kim; CHO, EUN AE; Sung Jong Yoo; Suk Woo Nam; Lim, Tae Hoon; 박세규; Jang, Jong Hyun
-Electrochemical Behavior of Conducting Polymer-coated Sulfur as a Cathode Material for Lithium-sulfur BatteriesLee, Jeong Yeon; Lee, Joong Kee; CHOI, WONCHANG
-Surface Modification of Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide Cathodes with Lithium Silicate Materials for High Capacity Application in Lithium Ion BatteriesLee, JiEun; Kim A-Young; Lee, Joong Kee; CHOI, WONCHANG
-Electrochemical properties of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode with reduced-oxidized MWCNT coating by the solid state coatingHwang Taejin; HANA NOH; CHOI, WONCHANG
-Surface modification of 5 V class spinel cathodes with zinc aluminate oxide materials in lithium ion batteriesLee Yong Ho; Mun Junyoung; Kim Dong-Won; Lee, Joong Kee; CHOI, WONCHANG
-Overview of Objective Evaluation Methods for Human-Centered 3DSungchul Mun; Park, Min-Chul
-VMAT Treatment Planning Using Cloud ComputingYong Hum Na; Daniel Kapp; Youngjun Kim; Tae-Suk Suh; Lei Xing