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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-A full-scale demonstration of nutrients removal in a single reactor combining anaerobic and aerobic conditionsChoi Yong Su; HONG SEOK WON; 이영대; 윤현식; 박준규
-A multiplex PCR assay for rapid detection and identification of enterohemorrhagic(EHEC) escherichia coli O157:H7 and nonpathogenic E. coli in animal feces and wastewater sample using E. coli uni prime강유리; BAE HEE KYUNG; 박정문; SHIN PYONG KYUN; 김기태; 전경아
-A new chemical for the separation of the CRT panel glass from its funnel이기원; Byun Ji Young; KIM KYONG TAE; Oh Jong Kee
-A passive multiple trailer system for indoor service robots이재형; Chung Woo Jin; Kim Mun Sang; Lee Chong Won; 송재복
-A polygon-based approach to the segmentation of scanned point data.Park Se Hyung; Jun Yong Tae; 이윤영
-A robust sensorless vector control system for induction motors허성회; Choi Ick; 박귀태
-A sensorless vector controller for induction motors using an adaptive fuzzy logic허성회; PARK JANG HYUN; Choi Ick; 박귀태
-A study on the modeling and control method of PWM DC/DC converter with isolated two outputs장상현; 유지윤; Lee Dongyun; Choi Ick; Song Joong Ho
-A 3D multi-view image transform methodSON JUNG YOUNG; V.V. Saveljev; CHOI YONG JIN; You-Sik Chun
-Advanced process of methyl acetate hydrolysisYoung Choi; Tae-jung Kim; Myron Lee; NA BYUNG KI; Song Hyung Keun
-Ammonia nitrogen and organics removal from swine wastewater using membrane bioreactor (MBR)신정훈; CHUNG YUNCHUL; LEE SANG MIN; JUNG JIN YOUNG
-Automatic detection of nausea using bio-signals during immerging in a virtual reality environment남영한; 김영윤; 김현택; Ko Hee Dong; 박광석
-Behavior of anhydrous electrorheological suspensions based on chitosan dicarboxylateHan-Soon Jee; 고영건; Choi Ung Su; 이상순
-Behavior of ferrites in decomposition of H₂O for H₂ generation신현창; Jung Kwang Decg; HAN SUNG HAN; 최승철
-Treatment of dye-stuff wastewater using bench-scale 3-bed ozone treatment system황배복; YEO YEONG KOO; CHOI JAE WOOK; LEE HWA UNG; Song Hyung Keun; NA BYUNG KI
-Binder removal by supercritical CO₂ in metal injection moldingKIM YONG HO; Lim Jong Sung; Lee Youn-Woo; 이창하; LEE YOUN YONG
-Direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate by Ce-Zr mixed oxide catalyst서은실; 김유철; 박노국; 장원철; LEE TAE JIN; Lee Byung Gwon
-Commutation torque ripple reduction in brushless DC motor drives using a single DC current sensor원창희; 이교범; 백대진; Song Joong Ho; Choi Ick; 유지윤
-Control of interface migration in polycrystals in chemical inequilibrium: a new opportunity to improve physical properties of ceramicsKANG SUCK JOONG; 구상윤; LEE YOUNG WOO; Kim Joosun
-Controlled growth of tungsten nanowires as cold electron sourceCHOI CHANG HOON; 장윤택; Ju Byeong Kwon; LEE YUN HI; 이창우; 김동호; 민남기; AHN JIN HO