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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Electrokinetic flows through a divergent microchannel and rigorous estimation of membrane zeta potentialChun Myung-Suk; LEE SANG-YUP
-EL-MoM2 effects of Ta2O5 and Al2O3 buffer insulators on electrical characteristics of Pt/SrBi2Ta2O9/Si gate structure최훈상; Kim Yong Tae; M. Ischida; 최인훈; 이창우
-Fabrication of patterned zinc oxide thin films on mixed self-assembled monolayers using microcontact printing.LIM HYE JIN; Oh Young-Jei; 윤기현; 정형진
-Fabrication of 3D feed horn shape MEMS antenna array using MRPBI (mirror reflected parallel beam illuminator) system with an ultra-slow-rotated and inclined X-Y-Z stageJONG-YEON PARK; Kun-Tae Kim; Moon Sung Wook; PARK JEONG HO
-Phase mask fabrication for fiber bragg grating manufacturing.LEE SEUNG EUN; KIM SANG HYUCK; Lee Sang Bae
-Fluorescence polarization lmmunoassay of BTEX김영옥; LEE JUNG RAN; Jee Eun Hong; Park Song Ja; Choi Myung Ja
-기능성 신디오탁틱 폴리스티렌.Kim Kwang Ung
-Estimated deflection of nam-hae suspension bridge using fiber bragg gratingKIM SANG HYUCK; Lee Sang Bae; 류성권; 김남식; 조남소
-Nonlinear optical properties of GaAs-SiO₂composite thin film.이성훈; 신동욱; CHO SEONG HOON; KIM WON MOK; CHEONG BYUNG KI; LEE TAEK SUNG; LEE KYEONG SEOK
-Ginsenosides inhibit NMDA receptor-mediated signals in rat hippocampal neurons김선오; 안광석; Rhim Hyewon
-(Undefined)Shin Hyeseung; Pyo Hee Soo; Park Song Ja; 백현진; 이원
-(Undefined)Jee Eun Hong; Pyo Hee Soo; Park Song Ja; 이원
-Hydrocarbon production and nitrogen/phosphorus removal from piggery wastewater by cultivation of Botryococcus brauniiSang Jun Sim; 안진영; Gong Gyeong Taek; 김병우; 박태현
2001-11HMD 형태의 초다시점(SMV) 3차원 영상 표시장치KIM, SUNG KYU; Toshio Honda
-(Undefined)장문선; Park Song Ja; Pyo Hee Soo; 이원
-Fabrication and modulation characteristics of InGaAsP-InP Mach-Zehnder electroopic modulatorsHwa sun Park; Wang Yeob Choi; Jong Chang Yi; Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho
-Magnetic properties and crystal structures of self-ordered ferromagnetic nanowires by ac electroformingLEE KWAN HYI; Lee Hwa Yung; Jeung Won Young; LEE WOOYOUNG
-Molecular simulation techniques for the protein-ligand interaction system.Yoon Chang No
-Molecular simulation techniques in chemoinformaticsYoon Chang No
-New antireflective coating materials for high resolution imaging in deep UV microlithographyAhn Kwang-Duk; KANG JONG HEE; Han Dong Keun; 김준영; 하성현