고중량 파지용 소프트 그리퍼를 활용한 스마트 팜 토마토 수확

Kang, GyeongjiKim Seong HunPark, ShinsukSong, Ka hye
Issue Date
대한기계학회 2023년 학술대회
This paper introduces an innovative technique for the harvesting of tomatoes through the implementation of a soft robotic gripper. The functionality of this gripper is rooted in a woven structural configuration, resembling a spherical morphology. This design enables a gentle interaction with individual tomatoes, significantly reducing the risk of damage. This achievement is facilitated by the strategic integration of flexible materials, endowing the gripper with an exceptional adaptability to a wide spectrum of tomato sizes and shapes. The amalgamation of this soft gripping technology holds immense promise in revolutionizing harvesting efficiency, all while preserving the integrity of the tomato. Notably, this configuration shows a substantial payload capacity(>100kg) advantage compared to conventional gripper designs, positioning it as a critical technology within the broader domain of harvesting. The assimilation of these advanced soft grippers not only pledges a discernible enhancement in operational efficiency, but also heralds the advent of a transformative framework for multifaceted fruit/vegetable harvesting.

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