- | Blistering study on hydrogen ion implanted Si surface | 김형권; 옥성해; KIM JAE HUN; Kim Sun Ho; Byun Young Tae; 한상국; 우형주 |
- | Characteristics of a 10 GHz harmonically mode-locked fiber ring laser constructed using optimized cavity design. | LEE YOU SEUNG; Jhon Young Min; Cho Woon Jo; Byun Young Tae |
- | Characteristics of deeply etched InP/InGaAsP/InP ridge waveguides | Byun Young Tae; KIM JAE HUN; Woo Deok Ha; Lee Seok; Kim Sun Ho; 정영철; 구본조; 9 |
- | Characteristics of hydrogen ion implantation for SOI fabrication | 김형권; Byun Young Tae; KIM TAE GON; Kim Sun Ho; 한상국 |
- | Comparison of phase modulation efficiency of the electrooptic modulators on GaAs/AlGaAs and InGaAsP/InP substrate | Jong Chang Yi; Wang Yeob Choi; Hwa Sun Park; Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Degradation of performance due to photoinduced index change in a Ti:LiNbO ₃ two-mode interference wavelength division multi/demultiplexer. | Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho; CHOI SANG SAM |
- | Design of a saturable absorber structure for passive optical switching device | 전행림; Byun Young Tae; Jhon Young Min; 송석호 |
- | Disign of 1.55-mm inGaAsP laser diode integrated with a tapered ridge mode transformer | LEE KI MIN; Byun Young Tae; 정영철; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Dynamic analysis of multiple colliding pluse mode-locked laser diode | 김병성; 정영철; KPARK KYUNG HYUN; Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Electrooptic phase modulators using W-type PPpinNN AIGaAs rib waveguides with a low switching voltage and a low propagation loss | 이종창; Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho; CHOI SANG SAM |
- | Fabrication and mode measurement of InGaAsP-InP Mach-Zehnder electrooptic modulators | Hwa sun Park; Wang Yeob Choi; Jong Chang Yi; Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Fabrication and modulation characteristics of InGaAsP-InP Mach-Zehnder electroopic modulators | Hwa sun Park; Wang Yeob Choi; Jong Chang Yi; Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Flat passband design of arrayed waveguide grating wavelength filters using offset-waveguides | 정우철; 정영철; Byun Young Tae; Woo Deok Ha; Kim Sun Ho |
- | GaAs/Al//0//.//4 Ga//0//.//6As ridge-type waveguide phase modulator with a high phase modulation efficiency. | Byun Young Tae; KPARK KYUNG HYUN; Kim Sun Ho; CHOI SANG SAM; 정영철; 임동건 |
- | GaAs/AlGaAs 광위상 변조기의 제작과 측정 . | 김병성; 정영철; Byun Young Tae; KPARK KYUNG HYUN; Kim Sun Ho; 임동건 |
- | GaAs/AlGaAs waveguide phase modulator using a five-layer heterostructure. | Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho; CHOI SANG SAM; KPARK KYUNG HYUN; 임동건 |
- | High speed all-optical logic gates by using SOA-based device | KIM JAE HUN; KANG BYUNG-KWON; PARK YOON HO; Byun Young Tae; Jhon Young Min; Lee Seok; Woo Deok Ha; Kim Sun Ho |
- | High speed all-optical logic gates by using SOA-based devices | KIM JAE HUN; KANG BYUNG-KWON; PARK YOON HO; Byun Young Tae; Lee Seok; Woo Deok Ha; Kim Sun Ho; CHOI SANG SAM |
- | High-speed all-optical NOR gate using semiconductor optical amplifier | Byun Young Tae; KIM JAE HUN; Jhon Young Min; Lee Seok; Woo Deok Ha; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Hybrid integration of polymers and compound semiconductors in photonics | Nadir Dagli; Cem Ozturk; Steve Sakamoto; Byun Young Tae; Jack Ko; Andrew Jackson |
- | Impedance and velocity matching techniques for traveling-wave optical modulators | 이종창; Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho; CHOI SANG SAM; Ralph Spickermann; Nadir Dagli; 박선익; 천권영; 유기석 |
- | Integrated polymer/semiconductor grating reflector for WDM application | C. Ozturk*; Byun Young Tae; S. Sakamoto; N. Dagli |
- | Investigation of electro-optic modulation effects in InGaAsP/InP phase | Park Hwa Sun; 김근현; 이종창; Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Investigation of nonreciprocal phase shift characteristics for integrated optical waveguide isolators utilizing magnetic photonic crystals. | YANG JEONG SU; LEE KOAN SU; Lee Tackhwi; Young-Il Kim; Park Min Chul; Byun Young Tae; Woo Deok Ha; Lee Seok; 송석호; Kim Sun Ho; KIM JAE HUN |
- | Investigation of the quadratic effect in GaAs/AlGaAs optical modulator on p-i-n rib waveguide | 최왕엽; Park Hwa Sun; 이종창; Byun Young Tae; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Lasing characteristics of InGaAs/InGaAsP MQW PnpN optical thyristor operating at 1.565 ㎛ | Kim Doo Gun; 이희현; 최운경; 최영완; Lee Seok; Woo Deok Ha; Byun Young Tae; KIM JAE HUN; YANG JEONG SU; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Lasing characteristics of MQW PnpN optical thyristor | Kim Doo Gun; 이희현; 최운경; 최영완; Lee Seok; Woo Deok Ha; Byun Young Tae; KIM JAE HUN; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Lasing characteristics of MQW PnpN optical thyristor | Kim Doo Gun; 이희현; 최운경; 최영완; Lee Seok; Woo Deok Ha; Byun Young Tae; KIM JAE HUN; Kim Sun Ho |
- | Low loss single-mode GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides using a five layer heterostructure with a W-shaped index profle. | Byun Young Tae; KPARK KYUNG HYUN; Kim Sun Ho; CHOI SANG SAM; T. K. Lim |
- | Measurement of propagation losses and reflective of MQW electroabsorption waveguides using photocurrent. | KANG BYUNG-KWON; 박승한; PARK YOON HO; Byun Young Tae; KIM HWE JONG; Choi Won Jun; Woo Deok Ha; Lee Seok; Kim Sun Ho; KANG KWANG NHAM |