Effects of desalination processes on the water circulation and earth system
- Authors
- Choi, Jae Woo
- Issue Date
- 2024-03
- Publisher
- Scientific Research Publishing, Inc
- Citation
- Journal of Environmental Protection, v.15, no.3, pp.338 - 342
- Abstract
- Desalination is emerging as a promising alternative among various technologies to resolve water shortage. However, desalination requires a sufficient energy and cooling device and therefore poses limitations for its installation and application. In particular, many countries suffering water deficits are economically underdeveloped and cannot afford the technology. As this technology, which changes seawater into freshwater, has little environmental impact, developed countries will need to assist less developed countries to introduce this technology as a humanitarian effort. This will help reduce the number of countries that have experienced difficulty with development.
- Keywords
- Desalination; Earth System; Humanitarian Effort; Water Shortage
- 2152-2197
- https://pubs.kist.re.kr/handle/201004/149643
- 10.4236/jep.2024.153019
- Appears in Collections:
- KIST Article > 2024
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