Novel Personalized Cancer Vaccine Using Tumor Extracellular Vesicles with Attenuated Tumorigenicity and Enhanced Immunogenicity

Han, JihoonKim, SeohyunHwang, Yeong HaKim, Seong A.Lee, YejiKim, JihongCho, SeongeonWoo, JiwanJeong, CherlhyunKwon, MinsuNam, Gi-HoonKim, In-San
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Wiley-VCH Verlag
Advanced Science
Cancer vaccines offer a promising avenue in cancer immunotherapy by inducing systemic, tumor-specific immune responses. Tumor extracellular vesicles (TEVs) are nanoparticles naturally laden with tumor antigens, making them appealing for vaccine development. However, their inherent malignant properties from the original tumor cells limit their direct therapeutic use. This study introduces a novel approach to repurpose TEVs as potent personalized cancer vaccines. The study shows that inhibition of both YAP and autophagy not only diminishes the malignancy-associated traits of TEVs but also enhances their immunogenic attributes by enriching their load of tumor antigens and adjuvants. These revamped TEVs, termed attenuated yet immunogenically potentiated TEVs (AI-TEVs), showcase potential in inhibiting tumor growth, both as a preventive measure and a possible treatment for recurrent cancers. They prompt a tumor-specific and enduring immune memory. In addition, by showing that AI-TEVs can counteract cancer growth in a personalized vaccine approach, a potential strategy is presented for developing postoperative cancer immunotherapy that's enduring and tailored to individual patients. Simultaneously inhibiting the YAP protein and autophagy while inducing ICD on tumor cells leads to the production of attenuated yet immunogenically potentiated TEVs (AI-TEVs). AI-TEVs effectively activate tumor-specific immunity and can be used as a prophylactic and post-operative therapy to prevent cancer recurrence. They can also serve as the basis for personalized cancer vaccines by utilizing autologous tumor cells. image
HIPPO PATHWAY; EXOSOMES; YAP; cancer vaccine; immunotherapy; tumor extracellular vesicles; verteporfin
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KIST Article > 2024
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