Hybrid CMOS-Memristor synapse circuits for implementing Ca ion-based plasticity model

Lim, Jae GwangPark, Sung-jaeLee, Sang MinJeong, YeonjooKim, JaewookLee, SuyounPark, JongkilHwang, Gyu WeonLee, Kyeong-SeokPark, SeongsikJang, Hyun JaeJu, Byeong-KwonPark, Jong KeukKim, Inho
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Nature Publishing Group
Scientific Reports, v.14, no.1
Neuromorphic computing research is being actively pursued to address the challenges posed by the need for energy-efficient processing of big data. One of the promising approaches to tackle the challenges is the hardware implementation of spiking neural networks (SNNs) with bio-plausible learning rules. Numerous research works have been done to implement the SNN hardware with different synaptic plasticity rules to emulate human brain operations. While a standard spike-timing-dependent-plasticity (STDP) rule is emulated in many SNN hardware, the various STDP rules found in the biological brain have rarely been implemented in hardware. This study proposes a CMOS-memristor hybrid synapse circuit for the hardware implementation of a Ca ion-based plasticity model to emulate the various STDP curves. The memristor was adopted as a memory device in the CMOS synapse circuit because memristors have been identified as promising candidates for analog non-volatile memory devices in terms of energy efficiency and scalability. The circuit design was divided into four sub-blocks based on biological behavior, exploiting the non-volatile and analog state properties of memristors. The circuit was designed to vary weights using an H-bridge circuit structure and PWM modulation. The various STDP curves have been emulated in one CMOS-memristor hybrid circuit, and furthermore a simple neural network operation was demonstrated for associative learning such as Pavlovian conditioning. The proposed circuit is expected to facilitate large-scale operations for neuromorphic computing through its scale-up.
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KIST Article > 2024
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