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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Modeling and reproducing engine noise using ARMA model for a driving simulatorHwang Yoha; LEE JONG MIN
-3-D object modeling using multi-view imageSONG MUNJAE; Kwon Yong-Moo; 허경무; 임성규
-Photochemical modeling of July 1994 ozone episode in the Metropolitan Seoul AreaKIM JIN YOUNG; Ghim Young Sung; KIM YONG PYO
-Photopolymerization and photoreaction of 5-norbornene-2,3-dicarboximido alkanoic acids이찬우; 이재형; KIM JONG MAN; Han Dong Keun; Ahn Kwang-Duk
-Precision preforming of a ribbed panel and its compressive behavior박민 *; Choe Chul Rim; R.E. Robertson
-The effects of NOx emission reductions from power plants over the OTAG domainGhim Young Sung; Chang Young Soo; David G. Streets
-Thermal wave from a sonoluminescing gas bubbleLee Yoon Pyo; KARNG SARNG WOO; 곽호영
-Wettable hydrophilic surface formation by ion assisted reactionKOH SEOK KEUN; KIM KI HWAN; CHOI WON-KOOK; 최성창; 정형진; 김철환; 하삼철
-Chemopreventive effect of kimchi against mitomycin C정근옥; KIM KYUNG-LAN; Ryu Jae Chun; 박건영
-눈동자 운동이 가능한 컬러 스테레오 머리 - 눈 시스템의 개발HWANGBO MYUNG; You Bum Jae; Oh Sang Rok; Lee Chong Won
-디지털 영상물의 저작권 보호를 위한 적응적 정보은닉 기술에 관한 연구박강서; 정태윤; Oh Sang Rok; 박상희
-Formulation technologies and viscosity of water-borne paintsKim Kwang Ung
-(Undefined)LEE JUN SU; 서일홍; You Bum Jae
-이동로봇의 동작제어를 위한 하이브리드 시스템제어에 관한 연구LIM MEE SEUB; 임진모; 임준홍; Oh Sang Rok
-인간의 안전을 고려한 인간과 로봇의 협조작업을 위한 제어기 설계문태균; 박귀태; Oh Sang Rok
-철도차량용 통신 네트워크의 이중 마스터 운용기법유흥렬; 홍대식; CHO YOUNG-JO; Oh Sang Rok
-퍼지를 이용한 서보드라이버의 제어게인 자동 조정공영배; 서호준; 박귀태; Oh Sang Rok
-A study on the resin infusion process for sandwich structural compositesLim Soon Ho; KO MOON BAE; Park Min; Kim Jun Kyung; Choe Chul Rim
-Adaptive nonlinear control for an induction motor using fuzzy approximators박창호; YOON TAE WOONG; Choi Ick; Kim Kwang Bae
-CO2 reforming of methane over nickel-alumina aerogel catalystsSuh Dong Jin; Park Tae Jin; JIN-HONG KIM; KIM Gyoungrim