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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-(Undefined)이성준; Ju Byeong Kwon; LEE YUN HI; SUH SANG HEE; Oh Young-Jei; 김태윤; OH MYUNG HWAN; 김철주
-(Undefined)박윤권; Ju Byeong Kwon; 박흥우; Yoon Young Soo; Oh Young-Jei; PARK JEONG HO; SUH SANG HEE; OH MYUNG HWAN; 김철주
-(Undefined)KIM BYUNG SOO; 김민호; Kim Sang Woo; CHOI DUCK KYUN; SON YONG BAE
-Investigation of effects external carbon source injection and mixing for biological nutrient removalAHN YOUNG-MI; Ahn Kyu Hong
-Inhibition of nitrification in biological nitrogen removal for piggery wastewaterLEE SANG MIN; JUNG JIN YOUNG; CHUNG YUNCHUL; 신정훈; 손대희
-(Undefined)SON YONG BAE; Kim Sang Woo; 안정식
-Operational characteristics of the multi-kW class PEMFC stackSHIM JOONG PYO; Oh In Hwan; Ha Heung Yong; 최형준; 안상열; Hong Seong Ahn; 임태원
-(Undefined)윤홍; Sung Chul Kang; KU HEUN DUK; Lee Sang Bae; CHOI SANG SAM; 조남소; 김남식; 김지상
-(Undefined)이성준; Ju Byeong Kwon; LEE YUN HI; SUH SANG HEE; Oh Young-Jei; 김태윤; OH MYUNG HWAN; 김철주
-Flat passband design of arrayed waveguide grating wavelength filters using offset-waveguides정우철; 정영철; Byun Young Tae; Woo Deok Ha; Kim Sun Ho
-Characteristics of 1.55 ㎛ diffraction-limited high-power LD with different p-doping profilesHan Il Ki; 조시형; Woo Deok Ha; Kim Sun Ho; Lee Jung Il; F.G. Johnson; M. Dagenais
-A comparative study for the characteristics of VOx thin films fabricated by thermal oxidation and sputtering methodsPARK CHUL WOO; KIM MIN CHEOL; KANG HO KWAN; Moon Sung Wook; OH MYUNG HWAN; 정홍배
-Microstructure and phase transition of Cu-wire by heat transformation김상현; 정진열; HAN SEUNG HEE; 오남렴; KIM YOUNG DO; KIM YOUNG MAN; 장익수; 박성우
-Characterization of sludge lysis using ozonized gas and aerobic digestion of waste activated sludgeAhn Kyu Hong; CHA HO YOUNG
-Partitioning of non-spherical particles in cylindrical pores by Monte Carlo analysisIM IK-TAE; Chun Myung-Suk; Kim Jae Jin
-A study on the performance characteristics of the PEMFC using the ion beam treated membrane조성아; Oh In Hwan; 최형준; Ha Heung Yong; Hong Seong Ahn; CHA SUK-YAL; KOH SEOK KEUN; 주재백; SON TAE WON
-Analysis of inverters for coupling resonators of monoblock dielectric band-pass filterKANG CHONG YUN; Ji-Won Choi; 심성훈; YOON SEOK JIN; Kim Hyun Jai; 박창엽
-A study on the IR absorption layer for resistive bolometerKIM MIN CHEOL; PARK CHUL WOO; KANG HO KWAN; Moon Sung Wook; OH MYUNG HWAN; 김도훈
-Flip chip bonder for automactic parallel aligning of IR sensors and read out integrated circuitsSUH SANG HEE; SONG JONG HYEONG; AN SE YOUNG; KIM JIN SANG