- | Automated control of in-line coagulation process for drinking water treatment | Lee, Seockheon; Byun,Seokjong |
- | Test Results for Leakage and Rotordynamic Coefficients of Floating Ring Seals in a High Pressure, High Speed Turbopump | LEE, YONG BOK; S.K.Shin; RYU KEUN; Kim, Chang Ho; Gunhee Jang |
- | Optimization of in-line coagulation/MF process using on-line streaming potential measurement | Oh, Jeong-Ik; Lee, Seockheon |
- | Flexible tunable dispersion compensator based on chirped fiber Bragg gratings without a central wavelength shift | Bae Jun Kye; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; Junhee Kim; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae; Je-Myung Jeong |
- | Tunable Multichannel Filter Based on Voltage-Controllable Multiple Long-Period Fiber Gratings and Its Application | HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | Raman Fiber Laser Temperature Probe incorporating Fiber Bragg Gratings for Long-Distance Remote Sensing Applications | Ju Han Lee; Junhee Kim; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | Experimental Analysis of Boron Co-doping Effect on Transmission Characteristics of Fiber Gratings | Dae-Seong Moon; Seongin Hwang; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; Un-Chul Paek; Youngjoo Chung |
- | Voltage-Controllable Multichannel Filter Based on Cascaded Long-Period Fiber Gratings | HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; Ju Han Lee; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | 2~5 times tuneable repetition rate multiplication of a 10 GHz pulse source using a tuneable linearly chirped fibre Bragg grating and a nonlinear optical loop mirror | Ju Han Lee; Chang You Min; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | 40 GHz adiabatic soliton generation from dual frequency beat signal using dispersion decreasing fiber based Raman amplification | Ju Han Lee; T. Kogure; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; Lee, Sang Bae; D. J. Richardson |
- | Simultaneous measurement of bending and temperature using phase-shifted long-period fiber gratings | HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; Ju Han Lee; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | A tunable linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating based 20 ~ 50 GHz pulse repetition rate multiplication of a 10 GHz pulse source | Ju Han Lee; Chang You Min; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | Tunable Disperion Compensator Based on Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating with Structural Bending | Sunmin Choi; Bae Jun Kye; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | Tunable Dual-Wavelength Laser using Two-mode Fiber Bragg Gratings | Dae-Seong Moon; Seongin Hwang; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; Un-Chul Paek; Youngjoo Chung |
- | Raman Fiber Laser Temperature Probe incorporating Fiber Bragg Gratings for Long-Distance Remote Sensing Applications | Junhee Kim; Ju Han Lee; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | Modal cut-off in Honeycomb Photonic Bandgap Fibers | Je-Hyung Bahk; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; Ju Han Lee; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae; Ingak Hwang; Yonghee Lee |
- | 40 GHz adiabatic soliton generation of a modulator based dual frequency beat signal using dispersion decreasing fiber based Raman Amplification | Ju Han Lee; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | Wavelength tunable multichannel filter based on cascaded long-period fiber gratings | HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; Ju Han Lee; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | Designing the dispersion properties of photonic crystal fibers | Jehyung Bahk; Ingak Hwang; HAN, YOUNG-GEUN; Ju Han Lee; KIM, SANG HYUCK; Yonghee Lee; Lee, Sang Bae |
- | (Undefined) | Kown Dae Ik; Kim Bae Jung; Kim Sung Hun; Park, Ki Hong |