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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-The role of calcium homeostasis and calcium activated ion channels in migration and invasion of U178MG human glioblastomasAlmonte AJ; Lee, Changjoon Justin; Traynelis SF
-The S1 region of NR2 controls the subunit - specific activation of NMDA receptors by SYM2081Erreger, K; Chen, PE; Lee, Changjoon Justin; Wyllie, DJA; Traynelis, SF
-Glutamate permeation through Ca2+ activated anion channels expressed in astrocytesLee, Changjoon Justin; Dravid SM; Traynelis SF
-Open probability and kinetic properties of individualNR1/NR2a NMDA receptors activated by synaptic - like glutamate concentration jumpsTraynelis, SF; Dravid, SM; Erreger, K; Banke, TG; Lee, Changjoon Justin; Wyllie, DJA
-Geometrical and Chemical Designs on Biomechanical Properties and Histologic Reactions in Ti Based ImplantsLee, Kyu Hwan; Lee Baek-Hee; Young Do Kim
-The Role of T-type Ca2+ Channels in the Thalamic Sensory Gating and Novelty-seeking BehaviorsKim, Daesoo; Choi Soonwook; Lee Sukchan; Sun Minjeong; Kim Chanki; Lee, Jungryun; Shin, Hee Sup
-Reciprocal Roles of T-type Calcium Channel Isotypes, a1G and a1H, in the Modulation of Nociceptive SignalsChoi Soonwook; Kim Daesoo; Chen Chien-Chang; Lee Sukchan; Lee, Jungryun; Sun Minjeong; Kim Chanki; Park, Joon Oh; Campbell Kevin; Shin, Hee Sup
-Disrupted Thermoregulation in Mice Lacking AChESun Minjeong; Jung Myung-Jin; Shin, Hee Sup
-Role of Calcium Channel β3 Subunits in Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity and hippocampal-dependent LearningInseon Song; Sun Minjeong; Jeon Daejong; Namkung Yoon; Shin, Hee Sup
-Role of calcium channel β3 subunits in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and hippocampal-dependent learningInseon Song; Sun Minjeong; Jeon Daejong; Lee Heekyung; Namkung Yoon; Shin, Hee Sup
-PLCβ1 and PLCβ4 regulate pain processing oppositely in the spinal cord and the thalamusLee Sukchan
-Regulator of G protein signaling proteins : multifunctional drug targetsYEON SOO CHOI; WOO JI WAN; LEE SEUNG EUN; 김찬기; Shin, Hee Sup
-Roles of acetylcholinesterase in thermoregulation and lipid homeostasisSun Minjeong; Jung, Myung-Jin; Shin, Hee Sup
-Inhibitory processing of startle responses to acoustic and tactile stimuli mediated by T-type calcium channelsLee, Jungryun; Choi Soonwook; Kim, Daesoo; Oh Seunha; Shin, Hee Sup
-Expression of the PLC β 1 gene in the GABAergic neuron by BAC transgenesisJeong Hyo-Young; PARK CHEONG DAHM; Kim, Daesoo; Shin, Hee Sup
-Enhanced aggressive behavior in N-type calcium channel α1B-subunit deficient miceKim, Chanki; Kim, Youngkyung; Kim, Younghoon; Kim, Hyun; Shin, Hee Sup
-N-type Ca2+ channel is critical for normal hippocampus-dependent learning and memorygJeon Daejong; Kim, Chanki; YANG YU MI; Yim Eunju; Rhim Hyewon; Oh, Uhtaek; Shin, Hee Sup
-Calcium Channel Mutations and Brain DysfunctionsShin, Hee Sup
-The Molecular Genetic Evidence for the Functional Overlap of JSAP1/JIP3 and JIP1/SKIP in the Axonal Development of the Telencephalic CommissuresHa, Hye-yeong; Cho Ik-Hyun; Lee Ko-woon; Song, Jin-Sook; Lee, Kang-Wo; Kim, Kyoung-Shim; Lee, Ja-Kyeong; Yang, Sung-Don; Shin, Hee Sup; Han, Pyung-Lim
-Expression of the PLC β 1 gene in the GABAergic neuron by BAC transgenesisJeong Hyo-Young; PARK CHEONG DAHM; Shin, Hee Sup