Browsing byAuthorLee, D.

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-03A broadband high-brightness quantum-dot double solid immersion lens single photon sourceAhn, D. H.; Jang, Y. D.; Baek, J. S.; Park, S. I.; Song, J. D.; Lee, D.
2021-08Anti-inflammatory spiroditerpenoids from Penicillium bialowiezenseKwon, Jaeyoung; Kim, Min Jee; Kim, D.-C.; Kwon, H.; Ryu, S.M.; Shim, S.H.; Guo, Y.; Hong, S.-B.; Yim, J.H.; Kim, Y.-C.; Oh, H.; Lee, D.
2012-10Carving mesh with deformation for soft tissue removal simulationKim, Y.; Lee, S.; Roy, F.; Lee, D.; Kim, L.; Park, S.
2021-09Chemical constituents from basidiomycete Basidioradulum radula culture medium and their cytotoxic effect on human prostate cancer DU-145 cellsRyu, S.M.; Nguyen, Q.N.; Lee, S.; Kwon, H.; Kwon, J.; Lee, H.; Kwon, S.L.; Lee, J.; Hwang, B.Y.; Yim, J.-H.; Guo, Y.; Kim, J.-J.; Kang, K.S.; Lee, D.
2014-09Co-planar single chamber solid oxide fuel cells with concentric electrodesLee, D.; Kim, J.; Moon, J.
2013-05-07Delayed emission from InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by migration-enhanced epitaxy due to carrier localization in a wetting layerAn, C. S.; Jang, Y. D.; Lee, H.; Lee, D.; Song, J. D.; Choi, W. J.
2018-07-20Deterministic coupling of epitaxial semiconductor quantum dots to hyperbolic metamaterialJang, Y. D.; Baek, J. S.; Devaraj, V.; Kim, M. D.; Song, J. D.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Lee, D.
2017-09Effect of processing method on platycodin D content in Platycodon grandiflorum rootsKwon, Jaeyoung; Lee, H.; Kim, N.; Lee, J.-H.; Woo, M.H.; Kim, J.; Kim, Y.S.; Lee, D.
2015-09On the selection of the loads in a multistep time integration methodNoh, G.; Yun, S.-H.; Jang, S.Y.; Lee, D.
2021-11-18Orbital torque in magnetic bilayersLee, D.; Go, D.; Park, H.-J.; Jeong, W.; Ko, H.-W.; Yun, D.; Jo, D.; Lee, S.; Go, G.; Oh, J.H.; Kim, K.-J.; Park, B.-G.; Min, B.-C.; Koo, H.C.; Lee, H.-W.; Lee, O.J.; Lee, K.-J.
2021-06Pulveraven A from the fruiting bodies of Pulveroboletus ravenelii induces apoptosis in breast cancer cell via extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathwayLee, D.; Yu, J.S.; Ryoo, R.; Kim, J.-C.; Jang, T.S.; Kang, K.S.; Kim, K.H.
2012-04Technologizing and digitalizingmedical professional skills for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system - Technologizing and digitalizing kidney stone extraction skills -Koizumi, N.; Lee, D.; Seo, J.; Funamoto, T.; Nomiya, A.; Ishikawa, A.; Yoshinaka, K.; Sugita, N.; Matsumoto, Y.; Homma, Y.; Mitsuishi, M.
2002-03Thin and hermetic packaging process for flat panel display applicationKim, Y.; Jeong, J.; Lee, D.; Choi, W.; Lee, S.; Ju, B.
2022-03Thiolate poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanofibers loaded with dexamethasone and ropivacaine show enhanced sustained release in the treatment of neuropathic pain through a local therapy techniqueLee, D.; Nah, H.; Ko, W.-K.; Jun, Kim S.; Han, G.H.; Jeong, D.; Lee, D.; Han, I.; Sheen, S.H.; Heo, D.N.; Lee, S.J.; NAM, YUN SIK; Kwon, I.K.; Sohn, S.