Polymorphism, mesomorphism, and metastability of monoelaidin in excess water

Chung, HCaffrey, M
Issue Date
BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, v.69, no.5, pp.1951 - 1963
The polymorphic and metastable phase behavior of monoelaidin dry and in excess water was studied by using high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry and time-resolved x-ray diffraction in the temperature range of 4 degrees C to 60 degrees C. To overcome problems associated with a pronounced thermal history-dependent phase behavior, simultaneous calorimetry and time-resolved x-ray diffraction measurements were performed on individual samples. Monoelaidin/water samples were prepared at room temperature and stored at 4 degrees C for up to 1 week before measurement. The initial heating scan from 4 degrees C to 60 degrees C showed complex phase behavior with the sample in the lamellar crystalline (L(c0)) and cubic (Im3m, Q(229)) phases at low and high temperatures, respectively. The L(c0) phase transforms to the lamellar liquid crystalline (L(alpha)) phase at 38 degrees C. At 45 degrees C, multiple unresolved lines appeared that coexisted with those from the L(alpha) phase in the low-angle region of the diffraction pattern that have been assigned previously to the so-called X phase (Caffrey, 1987, 1989), With further heating the X phase converts to the Im3m cubic phase. Regardless of previous thermal history, cooling calorimetric scans revealed a single exotherm at 22 degrees C, which was assigned to an L(alpha) + cubic (Im3m, Q(229))-to-lamellar gel (L(beta)) phase transition. The response of the sample to a cooling followed by a reheating or isothermal protocol depended on the length of time the sample was incubated al 4 degrees C. A model is proposed that reconciles the complex polymorphic, mesomorphic, and metastability interrelationships observed with this lipid/water system. Dry monoelaidin exists in the lamellar crystalline (beta) phase in the 4 degrees C to 45 degrees C range. The beta phase transforms to a second lamellar crystalline polymorph identified as beta* at 45 degrees C that subsequently melts at 57 degrees C. The beta phase observed with dry monoelaidin is identical to the L(c0) phase formed by monoelaidin that was dispersed in excess water and that had not been previously heated.
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