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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Performance improvement of a screw-compressor-type chillerLee Dae-Young
-여유구동을 갖는 5관절 메커니즘의 콤프라이언스 제어Oh Sang Rok; 소병록; 이병주; 서일홍
-안정성도 최대화에 의한 제어법칙 설계김드미트리 *; Oh Sang Rok; YOON TAE WOONG
-The study of the estimation of fracture toughness in TBCs이재섭; Hong Kyung Tae; KIM YOUNG DO; 전형탁
-영상 자코비안을 이용한 이동로봇의 주행제어박세용; You Bum Jae; Oh Sang Rok; Lee Chong Won; 서일홍
-Implementation of image-based 3-D modeling and synthesis techniqueSONG MUNJAE; Kwon Yong-Moo; 임성규
-(Undefined)김주옥; 이창호; 이후성; PARK SUNG; Ahn Byoung Sung; Park Kun You
-(Undefined)김병철; 임승순; KIM SEUNG GYOO; Jo Seong Mu; Lee Wha Seop
-Study of electrochemical characteristics of the Ni-Al alloy anode for MCFC한재일; KIM KWANG BUM; Yoon Sung Pil; Oh In Hwan; Hong Seong Ahn
-Creep and electrochemical characteristics of the Ni-Al alloy anode for MCFC한재일; KIM KWANG BUM; Yoon Sung Pil; Oh In Hwan; Hong Seong Ahn
-Active operator guidance using virtual environment in teleoperationPark Jong Oh; KIM DONG GU; 김정태; KIM SANG KYUN
-Removal of iron from Clay Minerals with Organic AcidOh Jong Kee; Kim Sung Gyu; Lee Hwa Yung
-Human arm-like hybrid master arm for dexterous teleoperation최종현; 송지혁; 김정태; Lee Chong Won; Park Jong Oh; PARK JONG HYEON; PARK JANG HYUN
-Two-arm cooperative assembly using a force-guided control with adaptive accommodation최종도; Kang Sung Chul; Han Yeongsoo; Kim Mun Sang; 송재복
-Contact stress analysis on thickness, shape, fiction, and flexion degree of UHMWPE components in total knee arthroplastyCho Cheul Hyung; CHOI JAE BONG; Choi Kuiwon; 강승백
-Preparation and performance of solid oxide fuel cells with self-supporting electrolyteYoon Sung Pil; KIM SEUNG GOO; Nam Suk-Woo; Ha Heung Yong; Hong Seong Ahn
-Study on the response of tibial component under impact loadingCHO YONG KYUN; CHOI JAE BONG; Choi Kuiwon; 강승백
-(Undefined)서지한; SOHN YOUNG TAE; 이홍철; Park Se Hyung
-(Undefined)유승묵; HWANGBO MYUNG; You Bum Jae; 서일홍; Lee Chong Won
-(Undefined)차승현; 서일홍; CHO YOUNG-JO; PARK JUNG MIN; 김재현