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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Multi-modal User Interface for Teleoperation of The ROBHAZ-DT2: Field Robot SystemDongseok Ryu; Kim, Munsang; Jae-Bok Song; Kang, Sung Chul
-Reliable Sound Source Localization for Human Robot InteractionHyun-Don Kim; Choi, Jong-Suk; Chang-Hoon Lee; Kim, Munsang
-Biohydrogen production from wastewater sludgePak, Dae Won; KIM, JI SEONG; Kim Dong kun; Byoung-In Sang
-Efficient Localization System for Mobile Agents Using Active BeaconsSuyoung Shin; Choi, Jong-Suk; Mignong Park
-Nitrate removal using autohydrogenotrophic denitrification in a biofilm reactorPak, Dae Won; PARK HO IL
-Reliable Detection of Sound`s Direction for Active AuditionHyun-Don Kim; Choi, Jong-Suk; Chang-Hoon Lee; Kim, Munsang
-Simultaneous Obstacle Detection for Mobile Robots and Its Localization for Automatic Battery RechargingSang-Il Gho; Choi, Jong-Suk; Ji-Yoon Yoo; Kim, Munsang
-Reliable Detection of Sound`s Direction for Human Robot InteractionHyun-Don Kim; Choi, Jong-Suk; Kim, Munsang; Chang-Hoon Lee
-Development of an expert system for design of Trim diesKim, Tae Soo
-(Undefined)JANG IN CHANG; Kim, Tae Soo; S. S. Park; J. K. Chung; D. S. Jang
-Improvement of the mass sensitivity in flexural plate wave deviceYong Sun Lee; Yoon, Dae Sung; Kim, Tae Song
-Effect of Sol Infiltration Method on electrical properties of PMW-PZT thick films prepared by screen printingKIM, YONG BUM; Che-il Chun; Kwang-soo Yoo; Kang, Ji Yoon; Yoon, Dae Sung; Kim, Tae Song; Jin-ho Son
-Electrical properties of screen printed PZT thick films treated with photo-sensitive and diol based sols for cantilever based biochipJAE HONG PARK; Jin Ho Son; Yoon, Dae Sung; Kim, Tae Song; Hyung Ho Park; Hwan Kim
-Effects of liquid viscosity and density on resonant behavior of nano-mechanical PZT (52/48) thin film cantileverHwang Kyo Seon; Yoon, Dae Sung; Ki Hyun Yoon; Kim, Tae Song; Lee, Jeong Hoon
-In-situ quantitative analysis of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) usintg nanomechanical PZT cantileverHwang Kyo Seon; Lee, Jeong Hoon; Yoon, Dae Sung; Jung Ho Park; jae bum park; Kim, Tae Song
-On-line monitoring of blood viscosity using self-sensing piezoelectric microcantileverLee, Jeong Hoon; Hwang Kyo Seon; Jae Bum Park; Yoon, Dae Sung; Ki Hyun Yoon; Kim, Tae Song
-Electrical detection of label-free PSA (prostate specific antigen) using self-sensing piezoresistive mcirocantileversKANG GHI-YUUN; Kang, Ji Yoon; Jae Bum Park; Jung Ho Park; Kim, Tae Song; Kyung Wook Wee
-Electrical detection of label-free PSA using self-sensing piezoresistive microcantileversK W Wee; KANG GHI-YUUN; Jae Bum park; Kang, Ji Yoon; Yoon, Dae Sung; Jung Ho Pakr; Kim, Tae Song
-Analysis of yeast proteome differentially expressed during accumulation of misfolded proteinsLee, Cheolju
-A New Event-based Approach for Real-time Visual Tracking of Multiple Objects based on a Petri-net-based ModelKim, Chi Ho; You, Bum-Jae; Kim, Hagbae; Oh, Yong Hwan