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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1987-01산업체 유연탄연소보일러의 대기오염물질 배출실태조사 .김영성; 손재익; 박영옥; 구철오
1987-01Effects of aging on properties of MgO-partially stabilized zirconia정형진; 오영제; 이홍림
1987-01공기압 수송에 의한 고체 입자의 정량적인 공급 .박달근; 이중기
1987-01Effects of nivalenol on the bone marrow in mice.류재천; K. Ohtsubo; N. Izumiyama; M. Mori; T. Tanaka; Y. Ueno
1987-01Contact resistance of the electrodes on semiconducting ceramics.정형진; S. O. Yoon; K. Y. Yoon
1987-01Synthesis and polymerization of bicyclo[2,2,18,11]hept-7,9-yl-2-methylene-1,4,6-trioxaspiro[4,4]nonane.조현남; S. K. Choi; S. Y. Shim
1987-01The coherency strain effect on the direction of chemically induced liquid film migration in Mo-Ni alloy.백영준; 윤덕용
1987-01개량곳간을 이용한 벼의 상온통풍건조김기선; 신명곤; 김동철; 임종환; 최홍식; W. Muhlbauer; 권태완
1987-01Analysis procedure of robot's loading performance by using actual data노형민
1987-01Electrical resistivity of the activated sintered W-product.최주; Y. H. Suh; I. H. Moon
1987-01Effects of drugs and metabolic inhibitors on the acute toxicity of T-2 toxin in mice.류재천; N. Shiraki; Y. Ueno
1987-01The effect of estrogen on luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone binding sites in hypothalamic membranesA. Chan; Risa M. Webb; C.-M. Yang; 진창배
1987-01Effect of monosodium glutamate on brain tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine-β-hydroxylase, tryptophan hydroxylase and monoamine oxidase in rat박찬웅; 서유헌; 송동근
1987-01Strain bursts in the cycle creep of Al-1% Mg solid solution alloy.홍경태; 신동혁; 남수우
1987-01Photoresist polymers for electrical and electronics industry.안광덕
1987-01Acute tachycardia and pressor effects following injections of kainic acid into the antero-dorsal medial hypothalamusR. W. Rockhold; 진창배; H.-M. Huang; M. Farley
1987-01Monolithic microwave integrated circuits 의 현황과 장래전망 .강광남
1987-01Fabrication of 1um gate GaAs MESFET and analysis of correlation between dc characteristics and channel parameters.강광남; 엄경숙; 이유종
1987-01Reactivity of calcined limestone and dolomite with sulfur dioxide.박달근; Hurn Kim
1987-01Kinetic Study on the Extraction of Copper from Aqueous Acetate Buffers with Versatic Acid 10이동휘; 이화영; 임성기