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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001-07-13The role of MnO in Ni/MnO-Al2O3 catalysts for carbon dioxide reforming of methaneSeok, SH; Han, SH; Lee, JS
2001-07-13Studies on gasoline fuel processor system for fuel-cell powered vehicles applicationMoon, DJ; Sreekumar, K; Lee, SD; Lee, BG; Kim, HS
2001-07-15The synergistic upregulation of phase II detoxification enzymes by glucosinolate breakdown products in cruciferous vegetablesNho, CW; Jeffery, E
2001-07-15Biochemical characterization of a novel hypoxanthine/xanthine dNTP pyrophosphatase from Methanococcus jannaschiiChung, JH; Back, JH; Park, YI; Han, YS
2001-07-15Zeolite-filled polyimide membrane containing 2,4,6-triaminopyrimidineYong, HH; Park, HC; Kang, YS; Won, J; Kim, WN
2001-07-19The beta-turn preferential solution conformation of a tetrapeptide containing an azaamino acid residueLee, HJ; Choi, KH; Ahn, IA; Ro, S; Jang, HG; Choi, YS; Lee, KB
2001-07-20Polymer catalysts by molecular imprinting: A labile covalent bonding approachKim, JM; Ahn, KD; Strikovsky, AG; Wulff, G
2001-07-25Surface chemical characterization using AES/SAM and ToF-SIMS on KOH-impregnated activated carbon by selective adsorption of NOxLee, YW; Choi, DK; Park, JW
2001-07-27Induction of diastereoselectivity in Fe(II) tris(amino acid-bipyridine) complexesAhn, DR; Kim, TW; Hong, JI
2001-07-27Competitive immunoassay for recombinant hirudin using capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detectionBan, E; Nam, HS; Yoo, YS
2001-07-30Enzymatic kinetic resolution of ketorolacKim, YH; Cheong, CS; Lee, SH; Kim, KS
2001-08Glass forming ability and crystallization behaviors of the Ti-Cu-Ni-(Sn) alloys with large supercooled liquid regionKim, YC; Yi, S; Kim, WT; Kim, DH
2001-08New antireflective coating materials containing a novel chromophore for KrF laser lithographyAhn, K.-D.; Han, D.K.; Kim, J.-Y.; Ha, S.-H.; Lee, D.-Y.; Nam, J.-L.
2001-08Altered nociceptive response in mice deficient in the alpha(1B) subunit of the voltage-dependent calcium channelKim, C; Jun, K; Lee, T; Kim, SS; McEnery, MW; Chin, H; Kim, HL; Park, JM; Kim, DK; Jung, SJ; Kim, J; Shin, HS
2001-08HIV-1 integrase inhibitory phenylpropanoid glycosides from Clerodendron trichotomumKim, HJ; Woo, ER; Shin, CG; Hwang, DJ; Park, H; Lee, YS
2001-08Mean field analysis of exchange coupling in amorphous DyFe2-B alloy ribbonsLee, JM; Jung, JK; Lim, SH
2001-08Immobilization of poly(ethylene glycol) or its sulfonate onto polymer surfaces by ozone oxidationKo, YG; Kim, YH; Park, KD; Lee, HJ; Lee, WK; Park, HD; Kim, SH; Lee, GS; Ahn, DJ
2001-08Nutrient removal processes for low strength wastewaterShin, HS; Park, MG; Jung, JY
2001-08Origin of the broken conjugation in m-phenylene linked conjugated polymersHong, SY; Kim, DY; Kim, CY; Hoffmann, R
2001-08Surface characterization of polymers modified by keV and MeV ion beamsLee, Y; Han, S; Lim, H; Jung, H; Cho, J; Kim, Y